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2024-07-03 09:38 来源:综合

2024年6月28日 —— 在国际鹭岛厦门香格里拉酒店,一场旨在促进国际文化交流、推动企业合作与创新发展的盛会——“一带一路国际文化交流企业投资论坛暨时尚非遗慈善之旅国际站启动仪式”正式拉开帷幕。此次活动汇集了国际国内知名企业家、文化界人士、非政府组织代表及各界精英,共同探讨“一带一路”倡议下国际文化交流与企业投资的新机遇与挑战。

On June 28, 2024, the Launch Ceremony of the Belt and Road International Cultural Exchange

Enterprise Investment Forum and Fashion Intangible Cultural Heritage Charity Tour International

Station.A grand event aimed at promoting international cultural exchanges and promoting

enterprise cooperation and innovative development, was officially launched at the Shangri-La

Hotel of the International Egret Island, Xiamen. The event brought together well-known

international and domestic entrepreneurs, cultural figures, NGO representatives and elites from

all walks of life to discuss the new opportunities and challenges of international cultural exchange and enterprise investment under the Belt and Road Initiative.


Summit dialogue to draw blueprints together


In the afternoon, the forum opened with the enthusiastic opening remarks of the host. Zhou Jing

Yi, executive chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Belt and Road International Cultural

Exchange Enterprise Investment Forum, and Ye Ying, executive director of the organizing

committee, stressed the significance of cultural exchange and enterprise cooperation in the era

of globalization, and expressed the beautiful vision of global partners to work together to create

a better future. Mr. Ouyang Yitao, the leading representative of China's Belt and Road

(International) Industry Group, introduced the group's major industrial development and future

strategic planning this year, and stressed the importance of strengthening international



A number of heavyweight guests jointly participated in the launching ceremony of the International Station of the Belt and Road International Cultural Exchange Enterprise Investment

Forum, symbolizing that the platform will serve as a bridge connecting Eastern and Western

cultures and promote corporate cooperation and cultural exchanges on a global scale.


China's Belt and Road (International) Industry Group signed strategic cooperation agreements

with a number of enterprises such as Uzbekistan's 200MW new energy power generation project, Weihai Yixiang Industrial Park and Dachangjin Nebulization (Shenzhen) supply chain, marking the

official launch of a series of far-reaching transnational cooperation projects and domestic

industries to promote international trade projects.


The signing ceremony between China's Belt and Road (International) Industry Group and

Uzbekistan's 200MW new energy power generation project


Signing ceremony and signing ceremony between China Belt and Road (International) Industry

Group and Weihai Yixiang Industrial Park


China Belt and Road (International) Industry Group and Dajang Geum Atomization (Shenzhen)

supply chain signing ceremony


Mr. Huang Hui, expert consultant of the top-level planning strategy of the International Fashion 

Entrepreneurs Alliance, introduced the content of the international Fashion Entrepreneurs Alliance

in detail, and emphasized its important role in promoting family inheritance and investment management of domestic enterprises. He pointed out that family enterprises are facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities under the background of economic globalization,

and effective inheritance mechanism and international investment strategy are the key to

maintain the long-term prosperity of family enterprises.


Ms. Ye Ying, executive director of the organizing committee, also introduced the International

Study Tour Program for Innovative Enterprises jointly launched by the International Global Health Academy, the United Nations Wall Street Rock Wealth and the International Academy, which aims to provide entrepreneurs with an in-depth understanding of the global capital economy industry and promote knowledge exchange and international cooperation.


Mr. Chen Shuishu, general director of supply chain technology of China's Belt and Road

(International) Industry Group, deeply analyzed the impact of the "Belt and Road" international

supply chain strategy on global enterprise marketing, and proposed a series of innovative solutions. He pointed out that the next international and domestic we will optimize the supply

chain management and supply chain full product system, not only can enhance the market

competitiveness of enterprises, but also promote the international quality supply chain and

domestic supply chain to quickly help enterprises solve marketing pain points, to achieve internal

and external data economy integration.


At the same time, by the Belt and Road International cultural traffic Enterprise Investment Forum

organizing committee and atomization industry leaders announced the official launch of the

international atomization health industry alliance, marking the international health atomization

industry has entered a new stage of development. The alliance is committed to integrating global

resources, promoting the wide application of atomization technology in the field of medical and

health, and contributing to human health and well-being.


The Belt and Road International Enterprise Development Summit Forum has brought together a 

number of industry leaders such as Mr. Huang Hui, an international economic consultant, Mr. Bai

Ming, an asset management expert for high net worth clients, Dr. Wang Yue, an international

health biological research scientist, Mr. Zhuang Weibin, head of Rocke Wealth in China, and Ms. 

Ye Ying, Executive Director of the Belt and Road International Cultural Exchange Enterprise Investment Forum. In-depth discussions were held on the opportunities and challenges of

enterprise development under the "Belt and Road" Initiative. The forum highlighted the key role 

of cultural exchanges, technological innovation and market expansion in promoting the global development of enterprises, providing valuable insights on how enterprises can better integrate

into the Belt and Road Initiative.


Intangible cultural heritage blooms when cultures blend


During the dinner session of the Belt and Road Fashion Intangible cultural Heritage Charity Tour, a series of wonderful cultural and artistic performances demonstrated the unique charm of

countries along the "Belt and Road".

特邀嘉宾中国萨克斯风王子伍迪老师倾情演绎经典曲目《You Raise me up》,开场瞬间点燃现场气氛。

The special guest, Mr. Woody, the saxophone prince of China, performed the classic song "You

Raise me up" with his heart, igniting the atmosphere at the opening moment.


The famous intangible cultural heritage designer Gu Axin's intangible cultural heritage fashion show made an amazing debut. Entrepreneurs and models dressed in traditional and modern clothes, showing the unique charm of intangible cultural heritage.

中国时装十佳设计师杨子、世界太极拳冠军 陈氏太极第十三代传人张天啸、一带一路国际文化交流中心主任宋文定等多位重量级嘉宾共同启动了一带一路国际文化交流时尚非遗慈善之旅国际站,标志着“一带一路”倡议下的文化交流进入全新阶段。

Yang Zi, one of China's top ten fashion designers, Zhang Tianxiao, the 13th generation successor

of world Tai Chi champion Chen's Tai Chi, and Song Wending, director of the Belt and Road International Cultural Exchange Center, jointly launched the International Station of the Belt and

Road International Cultural Exchange Fashion Intangible Cultural Heritage Charity Tour, marking a new stage of cultural exchanges under the Belt and Road Initiative.


He Yinan, the general consultant of the Belt and Road International fashion project planning,

analyzed the intangible cultural heritage Fashion enterprise IP project of the Belt and Road

Shishang Hui Enterprise Alliance, revealing the infinite possibilities of combining intangible

cultural heritage and modern business.


At the "Belt and Road She Power" Elite Women's Summit Forum, Wei Kejie, director of the Belt

and Road Health Career Development Center, Yang Zi, one of the top ten fashion designers in

China, Yan Xinsunshine, initiator of Xiamen City of the Asia Time Business Hui Jia Office Alliance,

Song Wending, director of the Belt and Road International Cultural Exchange Center, and Ye Ying,

executive director of the Organizing committee, were female leaders. The discussion focused on

the role and contribution of women in the "Belt and Road" initiative, showing women's confidence and strength on the global stage. The official launch of the Belt and Road International Alliance of Women in Culture signals that women will play a more important role in

cultural exchanges.

一带一路她力量 精英女性高峰论坛

The Belt and Road She Power Elite Women Summit Forum


Launching ceremony of the Belt and Road International Cultural Women Alliance

国际著名歌剧家Nona Beradze与中国萨克斯王子伍迪老师的中俄文化交流音乐会预告,引发了全场热烈期待。紧接着,Nona Beradze、伍迪、黄辉共同启动了中俄文化交流首场启动仪式,预示着中俄两国艺术文化将携手共谱文化交流的新篇章。

The announcement of the China-Russia cultural exchange concert between the internationally

renowned opera singer Nona Beradze and the saxophone prince of China, Teacher Woody,

aroused the enthusiastic anticipation of the audience. Then, Nona Beradze, Woody and Huang

Hui jointly launched the first launch ceremony of China-Russia cultural exchange, indicating that

the art and culture of China and Russia will work together to write a new chapter of cultural


中国时装十佳设计师杨子、世界太极拳冠军张天啸、国际著名歌剧家Nina Beradza、著名音乐人Nick Sherma、非遗手工艺人许学超、知名非遗设计师古阿新(由杨沅程代表)、中国萨克斯王子伍迪老师等被授予一带一路非遗传承人及中外文化交流大使称号。这一荣誉不仅是对他们个人成就的认可,也寄托了对他们在促进非物质文化遗产保护与推广、加深各国人民友谊方面的期望。

China's top ten fashion designer Yang Zi, world Tai Chi champion Zhang Tianxiao, internationally

renowned opera singer Nina Beradza, and famous musician Nick Sherma, intangible cultural

heritage handicraftmaker Xu Xuechao, well-known intangible cultural heritage designer Gu Axin 

(represented by Yang Yuancheng), and Teacher Wu Di, Saxophone prince of China, were awarded

the titles of Belt and Road non-genetic inheritors and Sino-foreign cultural exchange ambassadors. The honor not only recognizes their personal achievements, but also places expectations on them in promoting the protection and promotion of intangible cultural heritage and deepening the friendship between peoples of different countries.


Mr. Woody saxophone solo "Raining Hard”

国际著名歌剧家Nona Beradze 普契尼劳蕾塔咏叹调,选自歌剧《贾尼·斯基基》

Internationally acclaimed opera singer Nona Beradze Puccini Lauretta aria, from the opera "Jani



Tai chi performance by Tai Chi master Mr. Zhang Tianxiao

著名音乐人Nick Sherma激情演绎《我们是冠军》

Famous musician Nick Sherma's passionate rendition of We Are the Champions


Mr. Zhang Yong, a first-class national artist, generously donated his precious paintings and

calligraphy works to the UN Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund and the Organizing committee of 

the Belt and Road International Cultural Exchange Enterprise Investment Forum and Fashion

Intangible Cultural Heritage Charity Tour, which not only supports the protection of intangible

cultural heritage, but also reflects the important role of art and culture in promoting

international understanding and peace.


In the intangible cultural heritage charity auction, Mr. Zhang Yong's exquisite paintings and

calligraphy and the Kugou IP doll of Xiamen Institute of Arts and Crafts of Fuzhou University

became the focus. These artworks not only carry profound cultural deposits, but the proceeds

from the auction are all used to support the protection and inheritance of intangible cultural

heritage, showing the perfect combination of art and public welfare.

本次活动,标识一带一路国际文化交流企业投资论坛暨时尚非遗慈善之旅国际站正式起航,接下来我们将在东南亚 欧洲  中亚 西亚 中东欧 等一带一路国家进行企业交流,不仅丰富一带一路企业论坛的文化内涵,更加深化国际国内企业家对非物质文化遗产价值的认识,为促进国际文化交流与合作书写了新的篇章。

This event marks the official launch of the International Station of the Belt and Road International Cultural Exchange Enterprise Investment Forum and Fashion Intangible Cultural Heritage Charity

Tour. Next, we will conduct enterprise exchanges in Southeast Asia, Europe, Central Asia, Central

and Eastern Europe and other Belt and Road countries, which will not only enrich the cultural

connotation of the Belt and Road Enterprise Forum, but also enrich the cultural connotation of

the Belt and Road Enterprise Forum. Further deepen the understanding of international and

domestic entrepreneurs on the value of intangible cultural heritage, and write a new chapter for 

promoting international cultural exchanges and cooperation.


In the future, we will continue to move forward hand in hand. At the same time, we also look

forward to more outstanding entrepreneurs from all over the world and domestic intangible

cultural heritage fashion artists to join us.Interested parties can contact the Belt and Road International Cultural Exchange Enterprise Investment Forum and Fashion Intangible cultural Heritage Charity Tour Organizing Committee.